Summer 2024 open trips and courses


Basic course in kayaking

no experience needed.

Transportation from our office included.

 tiistai 4.6. klo 17 – 20, Maljalahti

keskiviikko 13.6. klo 11 – 15, Neulaniemen kärki

tiistai 18.6. klo 17 – 20, Maljalahti

keskiviikko 3.7. klo 11 – 15, Karhonsaari

keskiviikko 10.7. klo 17 – 20, Rautaniemi

torstai 11.7. klo 11 – 15, Maljalahti

torstai 18.7. klo 17 – 20, Neulaniemen kärki

tiistai 30.7. klo 17 – 20, Maljalahti

tiistai 6.8. klo 11 – 17, Naarvan joki Alapitkä

torstai 15.8. klo 17 – 20, Maljalahti

keskiviikko 20.8. klo 17 – 20, maljalahti



Stand up paddling

Transportation from our office included.


keskiviikko 5.6. klo 11 – 16, Suonenjoki

keskiviikko 12.6. klo 17 – 19, Maljalahti alkeis

torstai 4.7. klo 17 – 19, Maljalahti alkeis ja purjesup

keskiviikko 17.7. klo 11 – 18, Outokumpu 12 järven reitti

keskiviikko 31.7. klo 11 – 15, Keihäsjoki Karttula

Keskiviikko 7.8. klo 17 – 19, Maljalahti alkeis



Fatbike: Campfire trip to Vuorilampi 15 km

tiistai 11.6. klo 11 – 15, Vuorilammen reitti

tiistai 9.7. klo 11 – 15,

keskiviikko 24.7. klo 17 – 20,



RIB-boat safaris

Barbeque possibility at the island


torstai 6.6. klo 17 – 20, Hietasalo

tiistai 16.7. klo 17 – 20, Iivarinsalo

tiistai 23.7. klo 11 – 15, Tuomaansalo

tiistai 13.8. klo 17 – 20, Hietasalo

keskiviikko 21.8. klo 17 – 20, Karhonsaari



Snorkeling for the whole family

Transportation from our office included.


keskiviikko 19.6. klo 11 – 15, Siilinjärven Oikeekätinen

torstai 25.7. klo 11 – 15, Valkeinen

torstai 1.8. klo 17 – 20, valkeinen






Rock climbing in Haminalahti

Transportation from our office included.


tiistai 2.7. klo 17 – 20, Haminalahti

torstai 8.8. klo 11 – 15, Haminalahti



Walking trip to Von Wright cultural path

Transportation from our office included.


keskiviikko 14.8. klo 11 – 15


SUP - padling: Guided tour and a course 1.5H

On the guided tour you will learn the basics of rowing. We leave from the Adventure Centre's SUP rental shop at the passenger port. We will first go through a few basic principles on the beach...


Basic course in kayaking 3 h

Are you interested in kayaking? Then this course is just right for you! In the basic course of hiking kayaking, we get to know the basics of kayaking together. The basic course runs from the...


Fatbike trip to Vuorilampi nature reserve

A great route runs along the Neulaniemi outdoor routes. There is a bit of an uphill and a lot of dizzying downhill during the trip. Possibility to fry sausages or brew coffee at the break.


RIB-boat safari on lake Kallavesi open group

RIB-boat safari takes us to all the best spots on lake Kallavesi. The ride can be fast or slow depending on the groups wishes.


Rock climbing in Haminalahti

Haminalahti climbing rock is 15 m meters high with easy and difficult routes. There is something for every one!All the equipment and teaching is included. This is also good to order for private...


Snorkeling trip to lake Valkeinen

Snorkeling at lake Valkeinen .


SUP - melonta retki 12 järven reitille Outokumpuun

Koko päivän kiva retki lähialueen erikoisimpaan kohteeseen. Outokummussa 12 pientä järveä ja jokea muodostaa rengasreitin jonka pääsee kiertämään SUP laudalla helposti.


SUP – boarding Trip to Suonenjoki 6 h

The river Suonenjoki is ideal for SUP boarding.Most of the way is easygoing river or lake. To add some exitement there is also faster water, but no real rapids or white water.You can go with us...
